When: Wednesday, April 8 | 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Cost: $45 BC Alliance members | $85 non-members
What is decolonization? And why does it matter? This is your invitation to come explore this question with Ta7talíya Michelle Nahanee, Squamish, a decolonial facilitator and recipient of the 2019 Award of Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion from the City of Vancouver. Decolonization is for everybody, supporting us all to move beyond neocolonial denial and be better ancestors. This workshop will help you build the resilience you need to stay in the dialogue of decolonization and generate commitments you can grow with. We will be exploring the 5 stages of unsettling settler-colonialism, guided by decolonial love and matriarchal care. Michelle's work aims to address the "what now?" within the enormity of reconciliation. Capacity for this session is limited, so register now!