In this online workshop of The Imaginary and the Synchronous: Account of the Self in Video Performance, autobiography is used as the means to explore Video Performance. As the starting off point, an object/s that represents an aspect of your life will be linked to this event or characteristic-connecting it to a wider socio-political platform. In this 2-part workshop, Irene will present an overview of her Video Performance then each other’s object/s and the context surrounding the object/s will be explored. Participants will shoot videos at home with their cell phone cameras; tech advice will be provided. After uploading the video, participants will return the following week to view each other’s video and discuss the impact of the process and results. Unique opportunity, not to be missed.
To register email milada@trinitysquarevideo.com for November 7 & 14, 2021 from 1:30pm-3pm
To be registered, you must be paid up in full. Accepted Payment: Visa, Mastercard, via phone; cash or debit accepted in-person. Cancellation 5 business days prior to workshop; NO REFUNDS GIVEN for CANCELLATIONS made with less than 5 business day
Trinity Square Video is committed to providing an equitable and barrier-free space. If you are unable to afford these workshops, please reach out milada@trinitysquarevideo.ca to procure a barrier-free spot.
Trinity Square Video’s workshops may be subject to changes in the schedule, instructor, or content. If so, Trinity will refund full workshop payment to participants who are unable to make the rescheduled dates or should the program be cancelled. Workshop registrants will be notified in advance of any changes or cancellations.
Image Credit: Irene Loughlin