OAEA Awards

Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 11:45pm
Funding region: 

Overview: OAEA Awards

  • recognize excellence in visual and media art education in the province of Ontario
  • focus professional attention on and increase public awareness of quality art education, exemplary art educators, and the importance of quality art education
  • set standards for quality art education and show how they can be achieved
  • provide tangible recognition of achievement, earn the respect of colleagues, and enhance professional opportunities for OAEA members

Excellence in art education​ is represented by an educator or teacher who creates a culture supportive of art education in their school, organization, and community in some of the following ways:

  • provides multiple opportunities for artistic expression and learning across the curriculum before, during, and after school hours
  • advocates, shows passion for and encourages the lifelong pursuit of the arts
  • introduces new artistic material, techniques, experiences, and ideas to learners,thereby enriching their knowledge of the world around them
  • brings their learners together with professional artists to work collaboratively
  • seeks opportunities for students to perform or display their creativity for their peers, families, and communities
  • becomes involved in the artistic community outside of the school/organization and gives their students an opportunity to participate in the culture at large

Timelines: ​Award applications must be submitted by April 3, 2020.​ The names of the award recipients will be announced on the OAEA website. A presentation ceremony will be held before the end of the 2020 school year, date TBD.

And the categories are:

  • OAEA ​Elementary​ Art Educator of the Year
    • excellence in art teaching at the K-8 level
    • leadership in and/or contributions to art education in the candidate’s school,board or community
  • OAEA ​Secondary​ Art Educator of the Year
    • excellence in art teaching at the 9-12 level
    • leadership in and/or contributions to art education in the candidate’s school,board or community
  • OAEA ​Post-Secondary​ Art Educator of the Year
    • excellence in teaching visual arts in a post-secondary setting
    • leadership in and/or contributions to art education in the candidate’s institution,organization or community
  • OAEA ​Community​ Art Educator of the Year
    • excellence in teaching visual arts in a museum or community setting
    • leadership in and/or contributions to art education in the candidate’s institution,organization or community

Who May Nominate: ​Anyone who is not a member of the Award’s Committee may submit a nomination.

Eligibility for Nomination: OAEA members ​who meet the criteria above and who are actively teaching in the year of their nomination are eligible. Board and Award Committee members are not eligible.

Nomination Format: ​Nominators should write a letter to OAEA outlining why the person nominated is deserving of recognition. In addition, nominators should send the nominee’s resume and their own contact information. Please forward the name of your nominee by Sept 15, 2023 to oaea4teachers@gmail.com

Award Selection: ​Nominations and supporting documentation are submitted to theOAEA Awards Committee who will review each application and present recipients’ documentation to the Executive for final approval. The Awards Committee reserves the right to withhold awards in any category in any given year if suitable candidates cannot be identified.