Participate in a study of music education in Canada

The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning is a participant in a major study of music education at the University of Prince Edward Island.  One aspect of the study is a survey that we encourage music educators to complete.  The survey forms are attached to this article. 

The Access to Music Education (AMusE) interdisciplinary research aims to improve access to music education in Canadian schools. A central focus of AMusE project is to identify the barriers that prevent Canadian youth's equal access to music education. These barriers are associated with funding, time constraints, teacher training, curriculum, traditions, community contexts, limited access to resources, and systemic barriers related to gender, socioeconomic status, language, self-identity struggles, disabilities, and countries of origin. The study also aims to understand the musical experience of educational stakeholders. A deeper understanding of these issues will allow the AmusE team to develop a system theory and effective strategies promoting inclusive and equitable music education in Canada.   

The AMusE team invites and strongly encourage administrators, educators, parents, learners, community organizations, and policymakers to share your insights through completing a 15-minute online anonymous survey. The data will help the research team gain a comprehensive understanding of the state of music education in Canada. By identifying the barriers affecting youth's access to music education, we can collectively enhance the transformative power of music and make music education a space where diversity, creativity, and self-expression are valued and celebrated. 

Access the survey form for school administrators and music teachers.

Access the survey form for parents and students (grades 7 - 12).