Raging Asian Women Taiko Drummers

Raging Asian Women Taiko Drummers (RAW) is a community arts collective of East and Southeast Asian Women in Toronto. We are a Taiko drumming group that exists as a critical response and challenge to both systemic and internalized oppressions. Through performance, education, and community outreach, we seek to challenge, redefine and represent ourselves, and to inspire ourselves and others. Through collective membership, artistic creation, and active development, we carve space for self-expression, authentic engagement, community, and healing.

Toronto, ON
Language(s): English
Communities served: Adults, Youth
Price range of programming: $$$ - $40+/hour
Venue accessibility: Ramp/Level Entrance
Organization type: Charitable organisation

  • Music
  • Performance Art
  • Residency
  • Professional Development
  • In-School Performances
  • In-School Workshops

Community Partners

Profile last updated: Jul 5 2024