About Us
- Who We Are
Deanne Hupfield, Fancy Shawl Dancer. CNAL/RCAA Conference 2015.
Canada's Map of Arts & Learning
Strongly Influenced by my childhood experiences in the inner city, raising a family, and travelling,
people and urban landscapes are the overriding theme in the bulk of my work. I try to convey the
idea that there is dignity in almost everything and in every human endeavor and truthfully, I find
inspiration everywhere. My hope is that I can express that dignity on an individual level with portraits
and urban landscapes. For me, clarity of expression can best be achieved by the dramatic
combination of strong values, forms, and composition.
My objectives as an instructor are to have my students:
I. Become more familiar with graphite, ink, and oil paint as a vehicle of visual expression.
II. Develop greater skill in drawing and oil painting techniques
III. Continue to explore developing a unique style in drawing and oil painting.