Susan Johnston

Susan Johnston is a member of Lake Helen Band; she was born and raised in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Susan had both traditional and formal education, having been taught by her grandfather before going to study at Lakehead University and received two degrees, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Indigenous Learning and Women Studies. Susan is an energetic cultural teacher and sole proprietor of Weshkaday and Kids Rock Indoor Playground Centre. Susan spends her time volunteering and working for a small Aboriginal women’s group and volunteering for the Thunder Bay Friendship Centre in the Aboriginal Community Council Program. Susan writes her own material for the workshops that she offers. Much of her work has been focused on promoting traditional culture through hands on activities among urban Aboriginal women and children by using cultural teaching through her workshops. Susan is also a children’s author writing Aboriginal children’s books. Nuka and the Three Island is her first publication.

Thunder Bay, ON


Facilitates Group Lessons


Offers private lessons


Offers services to schools

  • Education
  • Indigenous Arts
  • Literary
  • Multidisciplinary
  • In-School Workshops

Profile last updated: Apr 3 2020