Indigenous Arts


Saskatchewan Arts Board (SK Arts) - Artists in Schools - Development

Artists in Schools offers schools a chance to enhance arts-related activities that are linked to educational outcomes through partnerships with professional artists. The aim of the program is to expand access to meaningful artistic activities, increase student engagement in learning, cultivate cross-disciplinary learning skills and attitudes, and foster a lifelong interest in the arts.




Are you an artist or creative between the ages of 18-29? ArtWorksTO is a capacity building and professional development project for youth arts entrepreneurs, in partnership with the City of Toronto – Toronto Youth Equity Strategy (TYES).

Youth submit proposals to create dynamic and original communication materials. These materials are intended to promote key City programs which serve youth needs and highlight best practices in youth-led collaborative initiatives.


English gives teachers and students streaming access to the best in educational content from CBC and Radio-Canada.

You'll find documentaries from television and radio, news reports, archival material, stock shots and more — thousands of programs and resources that you can access with a single subscription!

The collection features thousands of programs and hundreds of teacher resource guides carefully curated to support provincial K-12 curricula and post-secondary courses across the country.