Visual Arts


PhotoED Magazine

PhotoED Magazine is designed to promote inspiration and education in Canadian photography.

We print three issues/ year, SPRING, FALL and WINTER sharing exclusively CANADIAN photo-based stories. We encourage students of ALL levels of photographic ability to submit their work for publication + offer educators significantly discounted class set + library subscriptions. Connect with the editor:



Designed by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts based on 350 works in its encyclopedic collection and aimed at Québec high school teachers, ÉducArt explores themes and social issues in different subjects, from art to science. In collaboration with over 50 teachers, 55 experts and 600 students, the MMFA has led 17 pilot projects in Québec’s 17 regions. The outcome of these initiatives is a bank of living pedagogical projects jointly created by schools and the Museum to foster interactions between disciplines. ÉducArt is accessible free of charge. gives teachers and students streaming access to the best in educational content from CBC and Radio-Canada.

You'll find documentaries from television and radio, news reports, archival material, stock shots and more — thousands of programs and resources that you can access with a single subscription!

The collection features thousands of programs and hundreds of teacher resource guides carefully curated to support provincial K-12 curricula and post-secondary courses across the country.