Online Dance Educators’ Conference

Event Date and Time: 
Mercredi, 13 Mai, 2020 - 12:00

Register today for Canada’s 2nd ONLINE DANCE EDUCATORS’ CONFERENCE on MAY 13, 2020.

This unique and one of a kind experience will not only bring together dance educators from across the country and the world, but will enlighten you with subject-matter concerning 21st-century dance education.

We know that times are tough, and that funds may be tight, which is why we wanted to give you the opportunity to take advantage of this time to learn and grow as a dance educator.

This mini version of our typical Online Dance Educators’ Conference, will give you access to professionals who are experts in their field as we lead you through a variety of sessions covering important topics/issues in 21st-century dance education.

You will leave the workshop with new learnings that you can apply in your dance classes, just enough to revive your engines and re-inspire you.

Conference participants will log on to our Online Conference Platform at 11:45AM EST (for 12:00PM start time) from the comfort of their own home!!! Participants may choose their PED of preference whether it be logging on via laptop, tablet or phone.  Throughout the 2 hour conference, 1 x 5 minute break will be scheduled allowing for participants to stretch, grab a coffee and recharge.