Learn the basics of applying for an OAC grant

Event Date and Time: 
Jeudi, 20 Mai, 2021 - 14:30 - Jeudi, 27 Mai, 2021 - 14:30
Online Event: 

Applying for an arts grant can be confusing or overwhelming. This spring, the Ontario Arts Council (OAC) is offering a series of webinars for Ontario-based artists and arts groups to learn the basics of applying for OAC funding.

These webinars are for people who:

  • have never applied for an arts grant before
  • have an idea for an arts project in mind and are wondering how to apply for funding
  • have applied for a grant before, but did not receive one
  • want to learn more about what makes a successful application

OAC program officers will cover topics such as:

  • Artist eligibility: Who can apply? How do I know whether I’m eligible for funding? What does it mean to be a professional artist?
  • Organization/group eligibility: What kinds of groups are eligible for funding? Do we need to be incorporated or registered as a charity?
  • Funding opportunities: Where can I find out about OAC grants? How can I tell which programs I can (and should) apply for? Can I apply for more than one grant?
  • How the grant application process works: Who decides which applications get approved? How do they make their decisions? How long will it take for me to find out my result?

Tips for an effective application: Are there common mistakes that applicants make?

Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. We encourage you to submit general questions about OAC funding in advance when you register for the event. (You can also send written questions during the webinar through Zoom’s Q&A feature.)

If you already have a project in mind, and you have a specific question about your project, please email info@arts.on.ca, and we will forward your question to an appropriate staff member.


Webinar Dates

In English

April 22, 2021: 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET. (Registration is closed. This session is at full capacity.)

May 20, 2021: 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET. Register now!

May 27, 2021: 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. ET. Register now!

In French

April 29, 2021: 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET. Register now!


ASL/English sign language interpretation and English captioning will be provided for the English sessions.

LSQ/French sign language interpretation and French captioning will be provided for the French session.

If you have any other accessibility or accommodation needs, please contact communications@arts.on.ca.