Announcing The Network's Framework for Action for the next three years

Our Commitment & Vision

CNAL/RCAA envisions a world in which the arts and creativity are recognized as integral to learning the learning process throughout life. By connecting Canada’s diverse arts and learning communities, we will increase access to meaningful arts experiences for all Canadians, laying the foundation for the strengthening of social and cultural development, health and wellbeing and economic vitality. 


To unite local, regional and national arts and learning communities in a network for exchange, research and collaboration, advocating for a more creative, innovative, healthy and prosperous Canada


At the core of the organization’s vision is a belief in the value of arts and learning

  1. As an intrinsic component of human culture that deserves formal recognition in educational institutions;
  2. As fundamental to the development of the fully realized individual;
  3. As a means of resolving the social, and cultural challenges facing the world today by building empathy and intercultural understanding; and
  4. Reflecting the goals and strategies of the Seoul Agenda: Goals for the development of arts education as endorsed by UNESCO in 2010.

This vision of the future is shared by a growing worldwide movement calling for a transformation in education, a transformation that will realize the full potential of arts education to renew educational systems, to achieve crucial social and cultural objectives, and ultimately to benefit children, youth and life-long learners.


By 2025 the Canadian Network for Arts and Learning (the Network) will achieve the following objectives:

1.    The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning will have a clear message – who we are, who we speak for/with, who our stakeholders are.

2.  The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning (The Network) will have engaged members and partners/collaborators active in a broad range of arts & learning activities – including, but not limited to schools, community and health organizations, professional arts organizations, freelance artists, artist educators, and teachers.

3.  The Network will function as the primary hub inclusive of all arts forms/disciplines across the arts and learning sector.

4.  The Network is dedicated to reflecting and responding to the diverse communities that make up Canada and Canada’s arts and learning sector.

5.  The Network will have achieved operational and financial sustainability.

6.  The Network will leverage current collaborations and expand to include new partners and collaborators.