The CCR-KO program is a uniquely engaging co-operative experience where youth from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory are trained by art educators in various arts disciplines, including drama, dance, drumming, film, visual art and script writing. Following the training period, youth take on leadership roles to facilitate, create and develop a presentation from stories of the Rotinonhsyón:ni culture with primary and junior level students from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. The students will bring these stories along with youth-led arts sessions to elementary schools in Hastings, Prince Edward, Frontenac, Leeds & Grenville Counties and Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.
Expanded for another two years, the CCR-KO program is an opportunity to build, nurture and mentor strong leadership roles within the youth and empower them and children to strive for success while fostering an understanding and respect for Canada’s Onkwehonwe people.