On November 9th and 10th 2017, Carberry became a part of the bigger picture that is Canada 150 Mosaic. If you aren’t yet familiar with the project it’s in celebration of Canada turning 150 years old. The objective is to create a mural including all provinces and territories, 150 murals that when united will form one gigantic mosaic.
It is an empowering experience for anyone to feel a part of something. It gives value to your individual efforts and allows a feeling of wholeness that only being united with others can give you. The creation of this mural by 237 participants, artists Phil Alain and Paul Lavoie has been a beautiful expression of the wholeness that exists here in the community of Carberry.
A special thanks to Grady Stephenson and the rink staff who came through in our time of need by providing the facilities needed to make this project possible. To the amazing community members who donated to this project; The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #153, The Carberry Elks #446, Carberry Chamber of Commerce, Links on Main, Styles and Trends, Reilly’s Home Hardware, Carberry and Area Community Foundation, and all the individuals that bought a tile in support of the students of Carberry Collegiate and RJ Waugh who participated, Carberry Plains Arts Council graciously thanks you.
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Deanne Hupfield, Fancy Shawl Dancer. CNAL/RCAA Conference 2015.
La carte des arts et de l'apprentissage du Canada