Tony Bounsall

Tony has been working as a professional photographer for twenty eight years and is a photo arts graduate (BAPA) from Ryerson Polytechnical University. He is a member of The Professional Photographers of British Columbia (PPABC) and The Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC). He is on the Guest faculty of The Vancouver Island School of Art. He also runs workshops in Collage, iPhoneography, Printmaking, Encaustics and Mixed Media. Tony is also one of the founding members of The Imagist's (a Victoria based Arts collective). He exhibits and sells his own fine art prints and mixed media work throughout North America.

Langue (s): English
Classes scolaires pour lesquelles la programmation est prévue: Adult education

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  • Arts numériques et médiatiques

Profil mis à jour le: sept 24 2020