Sherry Bellamy

I've been fascinated with glass since childhood, and I'm delighted to be able to work with this incredible medium. Primarily self-taught, I like to try to push the boundaries of beadmaking and glass sculpture, and I have developed several innovative techniques.
I spend a lot of time designing the interior architecture of my beads, sort of building them from the inside out; the concept of capturing the design within the bead is very appealing to me.
I've been privileged to have taken classes with several brilliant glass artists; most recently I've studied in Italy with Lucio Bubacco. Watching Lucio was no less than a revelation, he does things with glass that I thought were impossible.
Teaching students how to expand their knowledge of glass beadmaking is becoming a large component of my career, and one that I enjoy immensely!

White Rock, BC


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Profil mis à jour le: avril 3 2020