Brian Riley

Brian has been leading creative workshops in schools, institutions and his local community for ten years. His rapport with youth of all ages is infamous. His puppet shows and mask-making workshops often involve fun filled sessions with community and youth-at-risk. He worked with Bread&Puppet Theatre (Vermont USA) in 2012 and 2013 under master puppeteer Peter Schumann, building and performing in weekly shows and parades. He has done workshops and installations for White Rabbit Arts Festival, Nocturne, and has built puppets and masks for a school musicals(Little Shop of Horrors), HRM family day events, community street parties, plays, pageants and more.

Wolfville, NS
Classes scolaires pour lesquelles la programmation est prévue: Primary (K - 3), Junior (4 - 6), Intermediate (7 - 8), Secondary


Facilite les cours en groupe


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Profil mis à jour le: août 17 2020