Jennifer McLean

I have two passions, art and books. I’m a watercolor and mixed media artist and an avid reader, so you’ll always find either a book or a paintbrush in my hand. I wish there were more hours in the day because there’s never enough time to both create and read. I supplement my energy with many cups of hazelnut coffee. I guess that means I have three loves, not two.
My favorite subject matter to paint has deep shadows and interesting, compelling colors. I thrive on the brightest, cleanest colors I can get. It thrills me to make art that jumps off the page and glows. I am most excited to create either painterly pieces where you can see the personality of the artist in the work or hyper-realistic pieces that accost the eyes with luminescent details that thrill the viewer.

Langue (s): English


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Profil mis à jour le: avril 3 2020