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Deanne Hupfield, Fancy Shawl Dancer. CNAL/RCAA Conference 2015.
La carte des arts et de l'apprentissage du Canada
Brian Scott, B.Ed., M.Ed., DFA Hon., received his Bachelor of Education from the University of British Columbia, and his Masters Degree in Art Education from Western Washington University. His Diploma of Fine Art was received with Honours from the Vancouver School of Fine Art.
Brian’s works have sold internationally in the U.K., Hong Kong, Germany, Holland, Norway, Switzerland, Australia, the U.S. and in his well-established Canadian market.
Brian was on the Faculty of North Island College for 20 years where he taught drawing, colour theory, and design in the Fine Art Programme. He also taught for the Emily Carr College and Design Outreach Programme for 14 years.
In 2002 Brian accepted a Government appointment to the Board of the B.C. Arts Council.