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- Qui sommes-nous
Deanne Hupfield, Fancy Shawl Dancer. CNAL/RCAA Conference 2015.
La carte des arts et de l'apprentissage du Canada
La mission que s’est donnée Fleuve | Espace danse est de créer, produire et diffuser les œuvres chorégraphiques contemporaines principalement issues de la vision artistique de Chantal Caron, mais non exclusivement, et de tout mettre en œuvre pour réussir à rejoindre le plus grand nombre de spectateurs possible tout en assumant un rôle de chef de file dans la mise en valeur et le rayonnement de la danse hors les centres et in situ. Le développement des publics est cœur des préoccupations de Fleuve | Espace danse.
For over twelve years, Chantal Caron has been the choreographer and artistic director of Fleuve | Espace danse. She has developed a unique artistic approach intimately bound to the lifeblood of her own environment highlighted by the omnipresence of the Saint-Laurent river. Since 2012, she is an ambassador of the David Suzuki Foundation and, in 2018, was named member of the Order of Canada for her artistic creations highlighting our natural heritage and her contributions to the development of the next generation of dancers. In 2014, she produced her first videodance entitled « Glace, crevasse et dérive » which was made during the winter on a frozen St-Lawrence river. This short-length film was broadcasted in around twenty world festivals and won several awards. Her commitment to her community, where she founded and directed the École de danse Chantal Caron for over 30 years, combined with her ability to promote and defend natural heritage, is part of her artistic signature.