Young People's Theatre Announces new $10,000 Ada Slaight Drama-in-Education Award
Alors qu’une nouvelle année débute, artistes et éducateurs se préparent activement pour un semestre d’hiver rempli d’une foule d’activités expérientielles axées sur l’art et l’apprentissage. Que ce soit dans les écoles, les organismes artistiques ou les centres communautaires, les Canadiens et Canadiennes de tous les âges et niveaux d’aptitude exploreront le monde et se découvriront grâce aux arts et à l’apprentissage.
As another year begins, artists and educators are gearing up for a winter term of facilitating a wide variety of artistic learning and experiential opportunities. Whether it be in schools, arts organizations or community centers, Canadians of all ages and abilities will be exploring the world, and themselves, through arts and learning.
"Torontonians value the role the arts play in the lives of children and youth both in school and community settings. 81% of Torontonians view arts education programs in school as important and 80% see youth/child participation in the arts as important."
This information is from Toronto Arts Stats 2015, a compilation of results from an online survey plus discussions with three neighbourhood-based focus groups conducted by the Toronto Arts Foundation.
Unforgettable! Outstanding! Do not miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet and work with some of the world’s most profound writers and poets. This event is a meaningful experience where you will be indulged and deeply satisfied not only through rich language and the power of poetry, but also by 50 acres of serene nature, complete with ponds, waterfalls and breathtaking beauty.
June 5th, 6th and 7th 2015 in Westport, Ontario
For inquires or bookings please email
To any who missed the #CNAL2015 conference: a thoughtful summary has been made available in the Cultural Human Resources Council newsletter. You can read more here:
"If this primer helps you talk with others who make up your community about the power and potential of digital engagement, it will have served its purpose."
Colette Murphy,
Executive Director, Atkinson Foundation
Homa Gallery presents a Teacher's practice: an introduction to an art instructor and artist. The gallery will be displaying the works of all the instructors and hosting an evening with them as well as the gallery services.
Opening Reception will be this Thursday, January 22, 2015.
Join us for the 6th annual Art Education Graduate Symposium, on February 6th and 7th 2015. This year, the symposium will be showcasing research within and beyond the Concordia context, surrounding the theme of art and social inclusion. Individual papers, panel discussions, and skill-sharing sessions, as well as alternative presentation formats such as performance, that celebrate, question, challenge, or otherwise encourage consideration about art, accessibility and social inclusion will be presented.
The success of the 'Communication' festival has to be attributed to the experience of the organizing committee, the dedication of teacher directors and students, the enthusiasm of visiting artists, the support of school administrators and teacher representatives, and the kindness shown by many friends of the Festival in the local area.
Here is a report of the festival's success: