Développement professionnel d'artiste


Event Date and Time: 
Vendredi, 22 Janvier, 2021 - 23:45

Connecting Canada Call for Proposals flyer with January 21st 2021 deadline2021 Connecting Canada is opening a call for proposals from presenters whose work centres on the theme of musical diversity.

While the conference aims to include representation from all provinces and territories with active membership in CFMTA, proposals from non-Canadian applicants are welcome.

Joseph Sanchez "Niizh Manidoog Giigidowag / The Spirits Are Talking"

Event Date and Time: 
Vendredi, 15 Janvier, 2021 - 12:00 - Samedi, 20 Février, 2021 - 17:00

Please visit our website on how you can visit the gallery as we are still maintaining Mb COVID Precautions


Press release in Ojibwe and English

Aandi: Main zhigwa Marvin Francis Media Galleries ge-ayaamagak

In the Main and Marvin Francis Media Galleries


Ezhising: Niizh Manidoog Giigidowag / Title: The Spirits Are Talking

Wezhitood: Joseph Sanchez / Artist: Joseph Sanchez


Waabanda’iweng Apii: January 15 akoo February 20, 2021

Exhibition Dates: January 15 to February 20, 2021


Open call for Indigenous painters who work in portraiture

Event Date and Time: 
Vendredi, 18 Décembre, 2020 - 18:15 - Jeudi, 21 Janvier, 2021 - 23:45

Community Outreach

Open call for Indigenous painters who work in portraiture | Deadline: January 21, 2021

Press Release by alan greyeyes | december 17, 2020


Aboriginal Music Manitoba (AMM), producer of the sākihiwē festival, is asking for Indigenous painters in Canada who work in portraiture to submit information about themselves and samples of their work for a new project that will pay tribute to four Residential School Survivors who live in Manitoba.

Navigating Arts & Learning Through a Global Crisis - Bilingual discussion

Event Date and Time: 
Jeudi, 3 Décembre, 2020 - 13:00 - 14:30

Building Digital Capacity and Connections

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is pleased to announce a third series of online roundtable discussions for arts and learning practitioners to share the realities they are facing as we head into the second wave of the pandemic.

Navigating Arts & Learning Through a Global Crisis - English Quebec, Atlantic Canada & Nunavut

Event Date and Time: 
Mercredi, 2 Décembre, 2020 - 13:00 - 14:30

Building Digital Capacity and Connections

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is pleased to announce a third series of online roundtable discussions for arts and learning practitioners to share the realities they are facing as we head into the second wave of the pandemic. We invite everyone to take part in the exchange as we discuss measures taken to virtually connect with your students, audiences, other stakeholders and the public, how you foresee moving forward in your practice in the next few months and into the future, and other topics.&nbs

Naviguer dans le monde des arts et de l’apprentissage pendant une crise mondiale - discussion en français

Event Date and Time: 
Mardi, 1 Décembre, 2020 - 13:00 - 14:30

Comment établir des capacités et des liens numériques

Le Réseau canadien pour les arts et l’apprentissage est heureux d’annoncer sa troisième série de tables rondes numériques à l’intention des intervenants du secteur des arts et de l’apprentissage. Ces discussions seront l’occasion de mettre en commun nos expériences alors que nous entamons la deuxième vague de la pandémie.

Navigating Arts & Learning Through a Global Crisis - Ontario (non-GTA) Digital Roundtable Discussion

Event Date and Time: 
Lundi, 30 Novembre, 2020 - 13:00 - 14:30

Building Digital Capacity and Connections

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is pleased to announce a third series of online roundtable discussions for arts and learning practitioners to share the realities they are facing as we head into the second wave of the pandemic. We invite everyone to take part in the exchange as we discuss measures taken to virtually connect with your students, audiences, other stakeholders and the public, how you foresee moving forward in your practice in the next few months and into the future, and other topics.&nbs

Navigating Arts & Learning Through a Global Crisis - Greater Toronto Area Digital Roundtable Discussion

Event Date and Time: 
Vendredi, 27 Novembre, 2020 - 13:00 - 14:30

Building Digital Capacity and Connections

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is pleased to announce a third series of online roundtable discussions for arts and learning practitioners to share the realities they are facing as we head into the second wave of the pandemic. We invite everyone to take part in the exchange as we discuss measures taken to virtually connect with your students, audiences, other stakeholders and the public, how you foresee moving forward in your practice in the next few months and into the future, and other topics.&nbs

Navigating Arts & Learning Through a Global Crisis - Saskatchewan & Manitoba Digital Roundtable Discussion

Event Date and Time: 
Jeudi, 26 Novembre, 2020 - 12:00 - 13:30

Building Digital Capacity and Connections

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is pleased to announce a third series of online roundtable discussions for arts and learning practitioners to share the realities they are facing as we head into the second wave of the pandemic. We invite everyone to take part in the exchange as we discuss measures taken to virtually connect with your students, audiences, other stakeholders and the public, how you foresee moving forward in your practice in the next few months and into the future, and other topics.&nbs