Ontario Arts Council - Ontario Arts Presenters Projects

Thursday, February 13, 2025 - 2:15pm
Funding region: 


The program aims to develop audiences for the arts in Ontario regions outside of Toronto. It supports Ontario-based presenter organizations, ad hoc groups and collectives led by volunteer community members, as well as municipalities, colleges and universities to present professional artists in all OAC-funded disciplines and to offer associated audience engagement activities. The program supports activities in communities with limited professional arts activity.

Note: For self-presentation projects and those where the primary purpose is not audience development, see OAC’s specific discipline programs.

The program has two categories:

  • Volunteer-led organizations, ad hoc groups and collectives
  • Municipalities, colleges and universities


The program’s priorities are to support:

  • activities that include the presentation of Ontario artists and their work
  • activities taking place in isolated or fly-in communities in Ontario