Ontario Arts Council - Music Recording Projects

Thursday, May 15, 2025 - 1:00pm
Funding region: 
Arts disciplines: 


The program supports the recording of music by Ontario-based musicians including composers, songwriters and beat producers. The program has two categories:

  • Demo/EP recordings:
    • EP recording of a series of songs that may be released individually or as a short album, less than 25 minutes, intended for public release
    • Demo recordings for the purpose of demonstrating newly developed work for labels, funders, presenters, promoters, festivals, etc. These recordings may or may not also be intended for public release
  • Full-length album: a single work or collection of compositions, 25 minutes minimum, recorded for public release in physical format or an online platform. The album is only considered complete after it has been publicly released.

Note: Projects are only considered complete once the recording is publicly available (except for demos not intended for release).


The program’s priorities are to support:

  • music created by Ontario composers/songwriters as well as works by other Canadians. If your project features non-Ontario composers, a compelling case should be made for how the project will add to what is currently available to the public (for example, currently unrecorded, rare music, or a foremost performer of the music of a specific composer)
  • projects that enhance the range of recorded music available to the public (locally, nationally and internationally)
  • projects that are ready or nearly ready to begin recording