BC Arts Council - Individual Arts Grants: Media Artists

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 - 11:45pm
Funding region: 
British Columbia
Arts disciplines: 

Individual Arts Grants: Media Artists assists independent media artists with the creation of specific projects. Projects and works must be independent of commercial industries for film, video, and gaming.

BC Arts Council supports independent digital and media arts practices in the following areas:

  • Moving images (film and video practices, including narrative, experimental, expanded cinema, and installation-based works);
  • Audio/sound art (including sound sculptures and installations, sound walks, or other use of sound and listening as the foundation of artistic expression, generally for presentation in gallery spaces); or
  • New media and digital arts (including interactive installation, immersive and interactive environments, web-based art, or other information and communications technologies used for artistic expression).

Grants are available to support the creation of new works. For film, this may include the production and/or post-production phase. The artist (for film projects, the director) holds complete creative control over the final work and throughout all production stages.

This program does not support projects intended for commercial creative industries (films intended for commercial distribution, television programming, or streaming services; video games, etc.).