Offering 4 day RETREATS for Educators; Counselors; Health-Care Providers; Students (Gr.8; High School; College & University, including post-Grads) ... with accommodations and all meals provided (please advise if there are food restrictions)
(at present, minimum 6 - maximum 10 per group/Retreat. Goal is to expand to accommodate larger & multiple groups per Retreat.)
Day 1 - Arrival (throughout day); Greeting and Orientation; Evening Sharing Circle.
Day 2 - Morning Ceremony; Workshop with Elder/Knowledge Keeper; "Bush-Walk" from Base Camp; upon arrival at "bush-camp" discussion of the importance of connecting with Nature to allow ourselves to Heal; each participant will experience ones own ability to release the burdens and stress we gather.
Day 3 - Morning Ceremony; continuation of the Connection process,but now to utilize Nature to revitalize and re-energize ourselves.; return to Base Camp; Workshop with Elder/Knowledge Keeper and FEAST.
** Sweat Lodge Healing Ceremony available at Base Camp **
Day 4 - Morning Ceremony; Sharing Circle and discussion around how this experience and the knowledge being taken with them, will benefit ...themselves; their families; their communities and those they teach, care for, or help.
For Gr.8 and High-school students, they will establish a bonding between each other,a sense of team-work, as well as discovering "who they are" as unique human-beings; the "gifts" they have to offer others; their individual strengths/weaknesses and how to put BOTH to good use on their Life-Journey.
"Give-Away" (an exchange between Participants & Facilitators & Staff) will take place prior to Farewells & Departure for Home (approximately mid-day).