British Columbia Arts Council - Early Career Development

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - 11:45pm
Funding region: 
British Columbia

The Early Career Development Program supports early career practitioners to develop their practice through internship, cohort, residency, and mentorship opportunities. The program is intended to support the development of knowledge, learning and capacity within the sector and to create opportunities for the next generation of artists and practitioners.

The Early Career Development program supports the career development of early career and emerging practitioners through four components:

Component I: Internships will provide arts and cultural organizations from across B.C. with the opportunity to host a single emerging practitioner in paid internships of up to one year.

Component II: Cohorts will provide arts and cultural organizations from across B.C. with the opportunity to host a group of emerging practitioners in paid professional development positions of up to one year.

Component III: Residencies will provide individual artists and practitioners with the opportunity to pursue residencies with arts and culture organizations across the province, nationally and internationally.

Component IV: Mentorships will provide individual artists and practitioners with the opportunity to develop sustained one-on-one learning and development relationships with established practitioners working in their fields and disciplines, provincially, nationally and internationally.