The Mi’kmaq Arts Program supports the development and continuation of Mi’kmaq art forms in the territory of Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia). Arts Nova Scotia recognizes the specific needs and practices of the Mi’kmaq arts community and acknowledges a new funding program is required.
Arts Nova Scotia aspires for all Nova Scotians to have opportunities to engage with the art forms that derive from Mi’kmaq language, world views, practices, and protocols.
Applicants will be eligible to receive only one of the following grants in a 12-month period:
- Creation Grants $15,000 Maximum, $500 Minimum.
- Assists with projects that involve the creation of a new work of art in any form including cross-disciplinary or multi-disciplinary work
- Presentation Grants $12,000 Maximum, $500 Minimum
- Assists with projects that involve public presentation of artistic work(s).
- Professional Development Grants $12,000 Maximum, $500 Minimum
- Assists with projects that involve activities intended to strengthen artistic or administrative capacity through formal study programs, mentorship, workshops, apprenticeship, conferences and other professional development activities.
In addition, applicants can be awarded in the same 12-month period as a Creation, Presentation or Professional Development grant a Visual Arts Materials Grants:
- Visual Arts Materials Grants $750 maximum
- Assists artists working in the visual arts, crafts or traditional/customary art forms to create artwork. Grants of up to $750 are to help cover the cost of buying art materials and supplies. This grant is intended for artists who in need material support only. Please note, the Visual Arts Materials Grant application form is separate from the Creation, Presentation and Professional Development grant application form.