Articles of Interest

Canadian Network for Arts & Learning to Expand its Digital Map Nationally

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning is poised to expand its successful digital mapping project nationally thanks to a grant from the Canadian Internet Registration Authority’s (CIRA) Community Investment Program. Canada’s Map of Arts & Learning launched two years ago with the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and already features more than 2000 artist-educators, arts organizations and schools in Ontario. With the funding from CIRA, The Network will be able to widen its focus to include select communities in every Canadian province and territory.


The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

Walter Pitman O.C., the pioneer of arts and learning in Canada passed away last month after a lengthy illness.

He was not only a CNAL “National Champion” but also the first distinguished recipient of the CNAL Tribute Award in October 2008.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation enables increased access to Arts and Learning

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage


Ottawa, October 19, 2017 – Ontarians will soon have a digital tool that increases access to arts-based education in communities across the province. The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning is launching a three-year major research project mapping arts education in Ontario, thanks to a $541,000 Grow Grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

A Canadian partnership combats the rise of intolerance through arts and learning

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage


Ottawa, September 29, 2017 – On October 19, the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO), The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning (CNAL) and the UNESCO Chair for Arts and Learning at Queen’s University will launch a position paper, aiming to improve the quality, accessibility, and implementation of arts education with the ultimate goal of promoting the acceptance of diversity across Canada and around the world.

Canadian cultural treasure Susan Aglukark to be presented with CNAL/RCAA Lifetime Achievement Award

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

Juno Award winning singer/songwriter, Susan Aglukark will be honoured with The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning's Lifetime Achievement Award at a gala dinner taking place as part of the 2017 National Conference called Celebrating Canadian Diversity in Ottawa on October 19.

Why Med Schools Are Requiring Art Classes

As featured on Artsy.Net ... by Casey Lesser

“What the heck does Impressionist art have to do with medical communication?”

It’s a question that Dr. Michael Flanagan often gets after telling people about “Impressionism and the Art of Communication,” the seminar he teaches to fourth-year medical students at the Penn State College of Medicine.

Lancement, à Montréal, du Mouvement pour revigorer les arts et l’apprentissage

Le CNAL/RCAA a établi un partenariat avec la Commission canadienne pour l’UNESCO (CCUNESCO) et la chaire UNESCO des arts et de l’apprentissage de l’Université Queen’s en vue de revigorer l’Agenda de Séoul, un plan d’action globale appuyé par l’UNESCO. La première étape de cette initiative est un exposé de principe qui a été lancé dans le cadre d’un panel spécial lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle de la CCUNESCO, qui a eu lieu à Montréal le 27 mai 2017.

Movement to Re-invigorate Arts and Learning is Launched in Montreal

CNAL/RCAA has partnered with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO) and the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Learning at Queen’s University to re-invigorate the Seoul Agenda which is a global action plan endorsed by UNESCO.  The first step in this initiative is a Position Paper that was launched in a special panel at the Annual General Meeting of CCUNESCO in Montreal on May 27, 2017.