Individual artists & artist educators


ArtsNS - Mi'kmaq Arts Program

The Mi’kmaq Arts Program supports the development and continuation of Mi’kmaq art forms in the territory of Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia). Arts Nova Scotia recognizes the specific needs and practices of the Mi’kmaq arts community and acknowledges a new funding program is required. 

Arts Nova Scotia aspires for all Nova Scotians to have opportunities to engage with the art forms that derive from Mi’kmaq language, world views, practices, and protocols.   


ArtsNS - Grants to Individuals

This program supports Nova Scotia’s professional, practicing artists in the creation and dissemination of their own work.  The program also supports professional artists by helping them to develop their practice and skills in all disciplines including fine crafts, literary, visual, media, and performing arts. 

Individual artists may submit one application per category per deadline.


ArtsNB - Creation Grant

The Creation program is designed to provide assistance to professional New Brunswick artists for the research, development and execution of original projects in the arts. Creation grants are intended to allow artists to devote some or most of their time to research and creative production.There are three categories under the Creation program:


ArtsNB - Arts Infrastructure Grants for Emerging Artists

The Arts Infrastructure Grants for New and Emerging Artistsprogram is designed to provide one-time capital improvement or equipmentacquisition grants to emerging New Brunswick artists or newly-arrived immigrants to acquire tools and equipmentor improve their facilitiesand infrastructurestostrengthen their long-term capacity to create work.

Applicants to this program must demonstrate:


Saskatchewan Arts Board (SK Arts) - Artists in Communities - Residencies

Artists in Communities provides funding to organizations, professional artists, or arts professionals for projects and residencies.

Artists in Communities - Residencies supports community organizations to host a six- to twelve-month artist-in-residence project with a professional artist, working in any art form, that involves significant community engagement components. Participating artists take up residence in a community contribute to its cultural life and the community's continual engagement in the arts.
