Jennifer Petrilli's blog

PEI to introduce new music curriculum in schools

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

New music curriculum about bringing 'joy in your daily life

P.E.I.'s Department of Education will start on a process in September that will bring a new approach to music education to the whole school system.

"Music is really about a lifetime of enjoyment and being able to express all sorts of things that they see around them," said Vicki Allen-Cook, the department's arts education specialist.

Arts-based programming for youth in adversity, looking for recommendations

IICRD is undertaking a global review of good practice in arts-based programming for migrant and refugee children and youth, for Terre des Hommes.

The focus is on youth-led programming or programming with strong child and youth participation that supports young people’s psychosocial wellbeing. Since these are quite specific categories, we are open to learning about general arts-based programming in any adversity setting. 

The Ontario Trillium Foundation enables increased access to Arts and Learning

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage


Ottawa, October 19, 2017 – Ontarians will soon have a digital tool that increases access to arts-based education in communities across the province. The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning is launching a three-year major research project mapping arts education in Ontario, thanks to a $541,000 Grow Grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

La Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario permet un accès accru aux arts et à l’apprentissage

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage


Ottawa, le 19 octobre 2017 – Les Ontariens et les Ontariennes disposeront bientôt d’un outil numérique qui accroîtra l’accès à l’éducation artistique dans les collectivités à l’échelle de la province. Le Réseau canadien pour les arts et l’apprentissage (RCAA) lance un projet de recherche d’envergure échelonné sur trois ans, afin de cartographier l’éducation artistique en Ontario, grâce à une subvention de croissance de 541 000 $ de la Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario.

Canadian cultural treasure Susan Aglukark to be presented with CNAL/RCAA Lifetime Achievement Award

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning / Le réseau canadien pour les arts et l'apprentissage

Juno Award winning singer/songwriter, Susan Aglukark will be honoured with The Canadian Network for Arts and Learning's Lifetime Achievement Award at a gala dinner taking place as part of the 2017 National Conference called Celebrating Canadian Diversity in Ottawa on October 19.

Appel de présentations

Le CNAL/RCAA tiendra une conférence nationale du 18 au 20 octobre 2017 dans ce lieu de rassemblement culturel magnifique qu’est le Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health, situé au 299, chemin Montréal, à Ottawa. Les participants auront l’occasion d’en apprendre davantage sur les grands enjeux du domaine des arts et de l’apprentissage, d’assister à des conférences inspirantes présentées par des dirigeants locaux et des conférenciers renommés, et de contribuer au développement du Réseau.

Call for Conference Presentations

CNAL/RCAA will hold a National Conference on October 18 – 20, 2017 in the stunning, cultural gathering space of the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health, 299 Montreal Road, Ottawa.   Participants will have an opportunity to learn about key issues in arts and learning, be inspired by celebrated speakers and community leaders, and contribute to the future development of the Network. Proposals are invited for presentations on research, best practices and program profiles on one of the following themes.

Lancement, à Montréal, du Mouvement pour revigorer les arts et l’apprentissage

Le CNAL/RCAA a établi un partenariat avec la Commission canadienne pour l’UNESCO (CCUNESCO) et la chaire UNESCO des arts et de l’apprentissage de l’Université Queen’s en vue de revigorer l’Agenda de Séoul, un plan d’action globale appuyé par l’UNESCO. La première étape de cette initiative est un exposé de principe qui a été lancé dans le cadre d’un panel spécial lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle de la CCUNESCO, qui a eu lieu à Montréal le 27 mai 2017.

Movement to Re-invigorate Arts and Learning is Launched in Montreal

CNAL/RCAA has partnered with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO) and the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Learning at Queen’s University to re-invigorate the Seoul Agenda which is a global action plan endorsed by UNESCO.  The first step in this initiative is a Position Paper that was launched in a special panel at the Annual General Meeting of CCUNESCO in Montreal on May 27, 2017.

Critical Evidence: How the arts benefit student achievement (study)

An American study by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

As a nation, we are close to reaching a collective understanding that all students benefit from the opportunity to learn about and experience the arts. Study of the arts in its many forms—whether as a stand-alone subject or integrated into the school curriculum— is increasingly accepted as an essential part of achieving success in school, work and life.