Développement professionnel d'artiste


Event Date and Time: 
Samedi, 20 Novembre, 2021 - 18:00 - 19:15

The first-ever Yukon Prize for Visual Arts Gala is on Saturday November 20th. Can’t make it to the Yukon? Anyone world-wide can tune in to the free live stream that will include a performance by popular Yukon-born musician and the reveal of the winner.

A Brief Introduction to Video Installation Online in 2 Parts

Event Date and Time: 
Jeudi, 28 Octobre, 2021 - 18:00 - Jeudi, 4 Novembre, 2021 - 19:30

Learn to develop installation art ideas from your own local context and situation. Discover what installation art is about and its relationships between objects, materials or things and the context (place) that they are in through the artistic practice of Sona Safaei-Sooreh. Become informed about the ins-and-outs of installation art on Thursday, October 28 and November 4 from 6pm to 7:30pm online.
Member $10.00 / Non-Member $20.00 /

To register email milada@trinitysquarevideo.com.

Physical Theatre Creation Weekend Intensive with Andy Massingham

Event Date and Time: 
Samedi, 4 Décembre, 2021 - 10:00 - Dimanche, 5 Décembre, 2021 - 15:30

Course Description

Andy’s workshop at Tarragon is geared toward the experienced artist who is interested in expanding their physical awareness and embrace the playful, creative artist lurking within. Exercises utilizing mask, clown, and mime will tap your creative centre with playful curiosity and optimism. In this two-day format Andy will take participants through an intensive exploration process following this structure:

Day One – Impulse and the Urge to Play.

* Following natural impulses to create.

New Course: Grant Writing with Aaron Jan

Event Date and Time: 
Vendredi, 26 Novembre, 2021 - 19:00 - Vendredi, 21 Janvier, 2022 - 19:00

Grant Writing Unit: This time, let’s win!

with Aaron Jan

Course Description

You deserve to get paid for your work. Whether you’re writing a play by yourself, workshopping it with your collective, or planning on mounting a production, there are ways to finance a project without relying on your own money or the unpredictability of ticket sales.

Playwriting and Dramaturgy with Brian Quirt

Event Date and Time: 
Mardi, 19 Octobre, 2021 - 19:00 - Mardi, 7 Décembre, 2021 - 22:00

Registration for Tarragon's Playwriting and Dramaturgy Course with Brian Quirt is now open! AboutThis online course is an exploration of playwriting and play development practice and its relationship to dramaturgy. The work will include: in-class writing exercises; practical discussions on working with playwrights, dramaturgs and directors; and expectations for playwrights in a workshop environment.

Art as a Business

Event Date and Time: 
Samedi, 30 Octobre, 2021 - 13:30 - 15:00

Finding fresh ways to promote your artwork can seem daunting, but there is light at the end of the tunnel!  This workshop with artist Julia Lucich will identify hurdles to building a strong customer base and will uncover ways to surmount those hurdles.  Julia will distinguish between occasionally selling one's work and establishing a sustainable art-business model. Come away from this workshop with a clear understanding of the steps, challenges, and solutions involved in developing a thriving art business.

Medicine Pouch Making

Event Date and Time: 
Mercredi, 29 Septembre, 2021 - 16:00 - 19:00

As part of BC Culture Days 2021, this workshop will introduce participants to creating a pouch made of leather or fabric with basic beadwork. The focus will be building practical skills of beading and sewing. Supplies will be available but feel free to bring your own to add your own sense of flair to your project.

While participants are encouraged to create a leather pouch for themself or a loved one, the group will be engaging in storytelling as a means to reflect on the meaning of medicine pouches and what are things they would like to carry with them in their day-to-day lives.

Grant Writing for the Toronto Arts Council’s New Black Arts Grant Program

Event Date and Time: 
Mercredi, 8 Septembre, 2021 - 18:00 - 20:00

Are you a Black artist, collective, or member of an organization that's Black-led, Black-focused, and Black-serving? Want to apply to the Toronto Arts Council's new Black Arts Grant Program but are unsure of the process?

Atelier de réalité augmentée (RA)

Event Date and Time: 
Samedi, 9 Octobre, 2021 - 13:00

Un atelier d’art pour les 12-30 ans présentant la réalité augmentée et son utilisation de manière créative.

 Les participants apprendront à :

– Créer ensemble des œuvres d’art adaptées à la technologie de la réalité augmentée (RA).

– Télécharger les œuvres sur l’application Hidelight en RA.

– Créer une exposition des œuvres des participants en RA.