
Teaching Art Techniques Online

Event Date and Time: 
Mercredi, 24 Juin, 2020 - 13:00

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Join KC Adams and James Culleton in conversation on how to effectively teach art techniques online.

Part of Creative Manitoba’s “New Normal Webinar Series”
Join us for a series of free online workshops every Wednesday. Learn new tools to help you successfully navigate COVID-19 social distancing practices while pursuing your artistic career.Register online and a Zoom link will be sent to your inbox on the day of the event.

Made in Manitoba Masterclass series

Event Date and Time: 
Mardi, 16 Juin, 2020 - 13:00 - Vendredi, 31 Juillet, 2020 - 15:00

Winnipeg Studio Theatre is proud to present the first Made in Manitoba virtual Masterclass series – Musical Theatre Edition!

Under the direction of Brenda Gorlick and Kayla Gordon, WST Co-directors - this twelve-session program features top musical theatre artists from Manitoba who now perform and create for the world stage.

Pratiques collaboratives et outils numériques

Event Date and Time: 
Jeudi, 11 Juin, 2020 - 10:00

Cette formation en ligne en temps réel s’adresse au gestionnaire et à son personnel qui sont en situation de travail à distance, autour d’un groupe de collaboration. La formation peut s’adresser aux artistes et travailleurs autonomes, mais ceux-ci doivent démontrer un engagement au sein d’un groupe de collaboration.

PUPPET POWER 2020: Puppets Go Existential and ONLINE conference

Event Date and Time: 
Samedi, 30 Mai, 2020 - 09:30 - Dimanche, 31 Mai, 2020 - 18:00


In response to the Covid – 19 situation WP Puppet Theatre has moved our Puppet Power 2020 conference online, with over a dozen sessions live-streaming May 30 -31 2020. Nominally priced tickets to individual presentations or full conference passes are now on sale. Can’t make all the presentations? Want to review presentation content? Post conference recordings are also for sale for viewing after May 31 until June 30 2020.

Individual Sessions: FREE or $4.99
Passes: from $39.99-$66.99
plus fees and tax



Event Date and Time: 
Dimanche, 31 Mai, 2020 - 11:30 - 12:30

We are very excited to offer a french session is by Nina Vogel, Brazil moderated by Denise Babin, Montreal, as part of WP Puppet Theatre's  Puppet Power 2020 online conference on May 30-31.  Nina is also offering 10 minute one - on - one live streaming performances on June 1 & 2,

Ateliers Wiki X arts actuels

Event Date and Time: 
Jeudi, 28 Mai, 2020 - 16:00

Le Centre d’information ARTEXTE, le Conseil québécois des arts médiatiques - CQAM, le RAIQ - Regroupement des arts interdisciplinaires du Québec et le RCAAQ / Réseau Art Actuel s’associent pour organiser une série d’événements de contribution à Wikipédia entre janvier et mai 2020.

Rendez-vous sur leur site Web pour découvrir leur boîte à outils Wikipédia.